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A Magazine for

The Manchester edition of Now Then is no longer publishing content. Visit the Sheffield edition.

Contact Us

We welcome local people to get involved in writing and producing Now Then. Get in touch if you want to contribute – or if you've got a story for us.

Now Then Product Photo MG 3106
Andy Brown

Write for Now Then

Now Then exists to support Manchester’s many communities and it’s built on the principles of citizen journalism, which means we welcome local people to get involved in writing and producing the magazine.

We want to use our platforms to amplify marginalised voices excluded from mainstream media, shine a light on abuses of power, and share eye-opening perspectives on our city and its place in the world.

If you want to write for us, or have a story you’d like to share, contact the Editor on [email protected].

If you have information which is sensitive, we are happy to arrange a more secure means of communication.

Got a Story to Share?

Now Then is committed to publishing stories which are in the public interest and we know that this sometimes means dealing with sensitive or confidential information.


If it's just a simple 'tip off' and you're not worried about your messages being secure, you can email the Editor on [email protected].

Signal app for Android and iPhone

If you would like to contact us securely, you can do this using the Signal app, which is free for Android or iPhone. Signal is a trusted open source platform used by journalists all over the world. It’s more secure than email or WhatsApp.

Once installed, open the Signal app and tap the pen icon (in the top-right on an iPhone, in the bottom-right on Android) to write a new message. Put our Signal number, 07405 216 335, into the search box to send us an encrypted message.

We will know your phone number, but all our communications will be encrypted. We can, of course, agree to keep your identity confidential, but in many cases it’s easier for us to verify the information you provide if you tell us who you are.

If you plan to use Signal, we recommend reading this guide from The Intercept.

Please note: Phone calls, text messages, WhatsApp messages and any other type of message won’t be picked up on this number - it’s just for Signal messages.

Snail mail

Alternatively, you can use 'snail mail' to get in touch or send us information:
Now Then Magazine, 71 Hill Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 4SP, United Kingdom.