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The Manchester edition of Now Then is no longer publishing content. Visit the Sheffield edition.

Brian Rooney

Brian Rooney and a chicken

Sound The Rise of the Podcasts

Podcasts have opened my eyes like nothing else in my life – variously, these are obnoxious, political, philosophical, and, sometimes: helpful.

Shot By Both Sides

When I was young, it was Aah Bisto or Bovril; Horlicks or Ovaltine; Vesta curry meals or vomit. You chose a side, be it sport, religion or…

Sound Radio Rodeo

I love radio. There, I’ve said it. More than TV; more than theatre; more than film. In fact, my misunderstanding of aural sex has led me…

ADS: It All Adds Up

The following is a conversation overheard in a Manchester department store. In the interests of national security, the names and location…